Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mean Mom

I once saw a bib at Target that read, "That's it! I'm going to Grandma's." Clever little saying. Profound underlying truth. Grandma's are the nice ones and moms have to do all the mean mom stuff. It is just one of life's realities. My mom came this weekend to visit, and her mission to cuddle and spoil her grandbaby was thoroughly accomplished. Don't worry, I also made great strides toward my goal of becoming the mean mom.

Grant's bib on Saturday night would have said, "I hate Girl's Night." Don't repeat this to Grant when he's older, but, the mean mom took him to Gardner Village (aka- shopping center explosion of crafty, home decor, girly-boutique goodness) with Grandma and Aunt Leslie, while his dad and uncle went to the BYU football game. A witch theme pervades the place during the Halloween season, and it is just so charming and cute and enjoyable, we couldn't resist taking a few pictures.

Grant in his new Cougar apparel, wishing he were with the boys and not being forced to take pictures in a pile of hay.

And as if Girls' Night at a crafty-witch-boutique-explosion isn't bad enough for a boy, the mean mom tried to get him to sit on the lap of the live witch who appears with the caramel apple in the above picture. Mean! I really thought he was too young to know that ladies dressed in all black with red eyes and vampire teeth are scary. Mean and dumb mom. As I held him out to her and he caught a glimpse of his first ever villain, he screamed a shriek of true terror. You might not be able to tell, but he actually had calmed down quite a bit by the time we took the picture.

Anyway, if you see that bib anywhere, let me know. It's not at Target anymore, and I think Grant would really like it.

1 comment:

The SaSSeR's said...

Yeah, and my blogging seems to come in spirts!! What a FUN activity with your mom and sister!! i LOVE when my family come or we go and visit (mostly bc i get to show off Libby) well i am excited to add your blog and see what your cute fam is up to!!

and i know what you mean about the "mean mom and spoiling gma's :)